Service Offerings

Much like a tree’s root system, organizations must be built on a firm foundation to survive and thrive. To start, organizations must have a strong, relevant, and concise strategic plan. Organizations must also have effective leadership skills to implement that plan. Firm Foundations Incorporated (FFI), partners with organizations, and when appropriate its stakeholders, to assess, design, and deliver solutions to improve performance at all levels. With a clear path forward, a strong leadership team with its focused performance helps to establish a culture that enables endless possibilities for success.

Firm Foundations offers three primary areas of service for your organization.


Strategic Planning
& Organizational Improvement

Executive Coaching
& Leadership Development

Organization & Stakeholder

Strategic Planning and Organizational Improvement

Being strategic is about being intentional. It’s about connecting the mission and vision of your organization with its daily direction. A clear, congruent and concise strategic plan sharpens your business’s focus and guides processes and relationships. It fosters teamwork, encourages efficiency, and promotes purpose within your organization.

At Firm Foundations, we help design better business strategies that enable leaders to reach their goals. We work with leaders to align and enable all parts of an organization to achieve its mission. We do this by using time-tested methodologies for achieving strategic business solutions and looking at all the drivers for creating optimal performance for an organization.

Whether you need a new strategic or business plan or a refresh of a current one, Firm Foundations can help crystallize your vision and ensure the right strategies and business infrastructures exist to strengthen and grow your organization’s performance.

Executive Coaching & Leadership Development

Leadership and Executive Coaching is about asking leaders powerful questions that help them to visualize new possibilities for action.

Our credentialed/certified coaches offer both individual and group coaching. Individual coaching creates a learning environment that enables leaders to see opportunities for growth and greater effectiveness in their individual role. Group coaching enhances the effectiveness of a cadre of leaders who are working together to achieve a common purpose for the organization.

Through a series of performance coaching sessions, we help leaders assess their current performance and develop a personalized plan for improvement. Between sessions, leaders will practice these new behaviors that will progressively develop them into exceptional leaders.

Executives who have experienced this type of coaching say they now lead in a more profound and unique way. They can see sustainable results within their organization including,

  • Increased inspiration for daily tasks

  • Teamwork and partnerships grounded in trust

  • A stronger sense of cultural well-being

  • Greater personal fulfillment

  • Improved efficiency and effectiveness

Organization & Stakeholder Engagement

A critical aspect of strategy consulting is to genuinely engage stakeholders in the development of new directions and solutions. All too often, stakeholder engagement is viewed as a routine “quick hit” in order to move forward with other tasks.

At Firm Foundations, we believe very strongly in the value of involving those impacted by change or improvement efforts. Facilitating a collaborative investment, across an organization, in the design of the solution helps leaders get to know their stakeholders, their needs, their desires, and the challenges they face. This stakeholder consciousness ensures the buy-in necessary for real change and organizational transformation. This is an essential part of the journey towards organizational improvement.